Hi all –

I’ve written up these notes to give you a basis for creating your characters. I’ll send a separate outline on the world and campaign as soon as I have something together. For now, assume that this will be a standard fantasy pseudo-medieval setting. A substantial amount of your time will be spent outdoors, but there will be opportunities for underground, city, and naval action.


Rules Set:

We will be using the standard D&D 3.5 ruleset. (see house rules below)

The following 3.5 books are “approved” for PC use, meaning that you can choose classes, feats, skills, spells, equipment, etc. from these sources:

If there is something missing from this list that you seriously want (either a book or a specific class/skill/whatever from a book) let me know and we’ll make a call on it.


Character Setup:


Bob’s House Rules:

Adopting some house rules I liked from Jenz’ world:

And a slightly modified one - Each PC may select one “color skill” from each of these types:

These color skills will are free and the character gets them at maximum level (character level + bonuses + 3).

Hit Points
Zero-level characters and NPCs start out with Hit Points (HP) equal to half their CON rounded up. After this, they gain a die based on class plus their bonus based on CON for each level (normal D&D 3.5 progression). The purpose of this rule is to give everyone a few extra HP at low level, and provide a consistent HP level for zero-level people.
Example: Moe is  1st level Fighter with a CON of 14. Fighters get a d10, and Moe rolls a 6, so at 1st level Moe will have (14/2 = 7) + (6{rolled} + 2 {bonus for a 14 CON}) = 15 HP.

I may give you maps from time to time. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that these are drawn by an omniscient, all powerful being (‘cause I know that’s how you think of me…). Unless otherwise noted, any maps you get are as liable to inaccuracy as any old map.

Level Advancement
When a character has enough experience to make a new level, the following occurs:

Material Components
Hate ‘em. Most spells do not require any material components. The exception to this rule is spells which involve extended rituals, such as divination spells. Also, for some specific or more powerful spells that I may want to limit, I may require components (and not necessarily the standard ones).

You can assume that arcane spells of levels 1-3 are generally available. Beyond that (levels 4 and up) you will need to find a source to learn the spell. There are Schools of Magic in most larger cities. This restriction does not apply to divine spells – they are gifts from the Gods.

When resurrecting, roll a Fortitude save at DC20 to avoid losing a point of Con.

Critical Fumbles
Critical fumbles are treated similarly to critical hits. Any roll of a natural 1 in combat risks a critical fumble. The character must re-roll to confirm the fumble. If the second roll is also a miss, then it is a critical fumble. The degree that the second roll misses by determines the severity of the fumble:

Missed by


1 - 5

Dropped weapon


Minor Sprain: -1 attack for rest of encounter


Sprain: -2 attack rest of encounter


Severe Sprain: -3 attack rest of encounter

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